Living Homegrown Podcast With Theresa Loe

LH 77: Three Indoor Kid-Friendly Garden Projects: Bulbs, Wheatgrass & Mushrooms



Learn about three indoor garden activities for kids and adults alike that can keep you connected to nature through the winter months. These projects can add greenery to your home and are fascinating to watch. We all know that being outside in nature is good for kids. But winter can mean less outdoor playtime. If you want to nurture your kids to appreciate the environment and perhaps grow up to be gardeners themselves, keeping them engaged is key. But you don't need kids to do these projects! Adults can get just as much enjoyment out of them. In this episode, host Theresa Loe walks you through forcing bulbs, sprouting wheatgrass and sprouting mushrooms on your kitchen table. You learn: Why a connection to nature is so important for kids today, All the materials needed for each project, Which bulbs are easiest to force and why, The trick to getting wheatgrass to sprout quickly, How to know that your wheat is ready to "mow", Why adding dinosaurs to your project can take it to the next level, How a mushroom growi