Drinking Partners

Quarentimes #20 Live from Two Frays | Mike Onofray & Marcus Wyatt



The Drinking Partners release this live podcast recorded outside of the Two Fray’s Brewery in Pittsburgh, PA. A collection of tastings makes this episode lively as Ed and Day interview Mike Onofray, one-half of the husband and wife-owned brewery. In the early minutes, Mike explains how they managed to open Two Frays during the pandemic and how a canning line was a significant reason for why they were able to quickly adapt. Importantly, Two Frays ownership speaks on how they want to be community partner and are working hard to creating a safe and welcoming environment for people of color, while also having “super crushable beer.” What happens when two engineers open a brewery? Listen in as Mike explains the science behind brewing. Visit Two Frays and learn more about their newly opened brewery: www.twofraysbrewery.com In the second half of the live podcast, the Drinking Partners welcome Marcus Wyatt, who gets immediate props from Ed for his sneaker choice. After an embarrassing moment ordering a Heineken,