Women In The Business Arena

Myth # 10: You Should have Multiple Streams of Income to Build Wealth & Achieve Business Success



As entrepreneurs, we’re told that the fastest way to build wealth is to have multiple streams of income, and diversifying our projects is the only way to achieve security. It always reminds me of the old wives tale “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”.  But this approach to business demands more effort, saps our energy, and keeps us from truly pursuing our passions. Focus is actually the key to building wealth & achieving the life and business we truly want.  Laura Shook Guzman is back in the co-host chair to help me bust the myth that you should have multiple streams of income to build wealth and achieve business success!  As an accomplished psychotherapist, trauma specialist, and devoted community leader, Laura brings enormous expertise, insight, and energy to our chat. Join us as we discuss:  The illusion of multitasking, and how shifting our focus from one income stream to another robs all your projects of the momentum they need to succeed. Why it’s so important to gather data o