Zion's Finest

Zion's Finest Episode 104 - Bow Before Gao(s)



As if David hadn't struck enough terror into the hearts of the IA community, he decided to really drive it home by showing up to the UK Game Expo in order to demonstrate the power of his fully armed and operational battle ... er ... cats. That's right, David Gao is the UK National Champion, and he rode into and out of town on a troop of ferocious bloodthirsty Loth-Cats. I expect the Queen to grant him a peerage any moment know. Earl of Whiskerton sounds great and will make for a terrific coat of arms. We're also joined by the other half of the London Gao family--Jessica--who also attended the UKGE and played in the Nationals tournament. She played Spectre with a 14 point command deck, with an unplayable card (Dark Energy), and she damn near won the whole thing.  Listen to the Gaos recount the tournament. You will love it!