Zion's Finest

Zion's Finest Episode 102 - An (Almost) Puurrrfect Worlds



I assume that you know that Loth-Cats are garbage. They are the most ignored unit in the Tyrants of Lothal box. They're so bad that I've literally never played a competitive game of skirmish in which either I or my opponent has played Loth-Cats. They're awful. Well, someone forgot to tell all this information to David Gao, and he proceeded to wreck almost the entirety of everyone's face at Worlds. In a Hunter/Loth-Cat list, David managed to go 5-1, being the only player to take Loth-Cats into the top cut of anything I'm sure, and one of four non-Specter lists in the top cut. This man is legit. Enjoy his soft-spoken demeanor; heaven knows this podcast could use someone to help me cool my volume. MAKE SURE TO GET INVOLVED AND STAY INVOLVED IN THE IACP. WE NEED COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN ORDER TO MAKE THIS THING WORK AND IF IT'S JUST ME IN THE CAPTAIN'S SEAT THEN EVERYONE BETTER BE READY FOR A FOUR COST AHSOKA AND A FREE MHD IN EVERY LIST THANK YOU YOU'RE WELCOME. I love you all. Thank you for listening.