Zion's Finest

Zion's Finest Episode 066 - The Meta Lingers A Bit Longer



Welcome to Episode One of Hasan's Finest! We all owe so many thanks to Hasan, whose salt supplies us with all we need to keep our Slack ruminatings savory and ready for maximum pillory. (Speaking of salty pillory, remember Lot's wife! I'm pretty sure that Hasan wrote a story about her in some book.) What really goes down in this episode is we review and comment on the second half of the organized play results from Summer 2018. We have a lot of fun reviewing what has done well and I know you will enjoy it. PLEASE REMEMBER TO GET ME YOUR ORGANIZED PLAY RESULTS! AND GOOD LUCK AT NOVA! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nk10Q5n8Xjr2byvP-7mD5IGdDyVQVqk_BSGuTiz58fM/edit?usp=sharing Thank you for listening! Join us on the Slack Channel by sending an email to zionsfinestia@gmail.com and support us on Patreon by going to patreon.com/zionsfinest.