Zion's Finest

Zion's Finest Episode 055 - A Trinity Of (Imperial) War(fare)



THAT'S RIGHT CLAUSEWITZ, I STOLE YOUR LINE AND I DON'T EVEN CARE. IT'S A STRATEGY EPISODE. In this episode, I am joined by Ben Varnum to discuss core concepts of risk in IA and how it applies to three major principles of IA: activation economy, pace, and value. It is an awesome episode. Ben is a genius and it shows. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORES TO SEE ABOUT THEIR STORE CHAMPS: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/op/store-championships/imperial-assault/ Join us on the Slack Channel! Send an email to zionsfinestia@gmail.com! Support us on Patreon and get some sweet swag! Go to patreon.com/zionsfinest GIVE FIVE STAR REVIEWS TO BOARDWARS.EU, TWIN TROOPERS, FULLY ARMED AND OPERATIONAL, AND ZION'S FINEST! THANK YOU FOR DOWNLOADING!