Zion's Finest

Zion's Finest Episode 054 - Swamp Jamboree!



NAL HUTTA MAP BREAKDOWN! Here's a link to the (very edited) map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KGAOIw8qP5TtKAp49mWOjA_kMXAGjP_4/view?usp=sharing In this episode, Scott, JK, and I gather round the lantern--surrounded by the luminous soft glow of fireflies--to talk about everyone's favorite swamp. No, not the great bayou of Louisianna, but instead Nal Hutta--the home of the Hutts! We break down the two missions from the perspective of the three different factions. We talk about line-of-sight tricks, deployment, positioning, and pacing your games. We focus on how each faction should expect to count to 40 points on each mission from kills and objectives. Thanks again to Anthony Reynders for saving Episode 52. He shall be blessed with many blessings. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORES TO SEE ABOUT THEIR STORE CHAMPS: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/op/store-championships/imperial-assault/ Join us on the Slack Channel! Send an email to zionsfinestia@gmail.com! Support us on Patreon and get some sweet swag!