Zion's Finest

Zion's Finest Episode 052 - The Brains, They Are A Breakin' (Again)



(FIXED THANKS TO ANTHONY REYNDERS, TO WHOM I OWE A LIFE DEBT. Podbean had some hiccups with the last two episodes. This is the fixed version of Episode 52, with Lucas Davidson.) STRATEGY! Take your brain medicine again, friends, because Lucas Davidson is about to break open your minds and spill in the sweet dew of his knowledge. In this episode, Lucas discusses three core concepts of Imperial Assault: Material, Positioning, and Pace. I have wanted Lucas to come on for a long time to talk about how he wins so many ding dang games, and he absolutely does not disappoint. He uses these concepts to illustrate how to thing about trades, pressure, and counting to 40. It really is so awesome. PLEASE FILL OUT OUR SURVEY AND HELP ME IMPROVE THE PODCAST: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCRXGUAz2qcWU_SBxKZNTj1zKQC-VQazPOMFFwxMOWG7NHdg/viewform?usp=sf_link Join us on the Slack Channel! Send an email to zionsfinestia@gmail.com! Support us on Patreon and get some sweet swag! Go to patreon.com/zionsfinest G