Building Utah

Speaking on Business: AT&T



This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business. This year’s recipient of the Salt Lake Chamber’s Board Chair’s Initiative Award is AT&T—a long-time member and partner. Here to accept the award is Tara Thue, state president for AT&T in Utah and co-chair of the Chamber’s Diversity Council, which engages business and community leaders to create more diverse and inclusive workplaces. TARA THUE It’s an honor to be recognized. Since the 1960s, AT&T has been at the forefront of civil rights advocacy and the fight for equality. In 2020, in the face of unprecedented need and challenges, we put our resources toward initiatives we believe can move the needle. From helping bridge the digital divide to fostering upward mobility for those who face social inequities, we built on our longstanding commitment to the communities we serve. We also focused our philanthropic efforts on students who faced unprecedented challenges when in-person classes were suspended. Nationally, we allocated 10 million dollars to AT&T’s Distance Lea