That's A Thing?!

(Bo)nus episode: Inside



Here are some of the things that came up in our discussion: Content warnings: Adult themes, mature language, suicide, “content” Bo Burnham: Inside On Netflix On Spotify Who is Bo Burnham:  Wikipedia entry  YouTube channel Left Brain Right Brain animatic Lola Sebastian Lolita Podcast (not for kids but very good) What Karen means by “Simon Sinek energy” Jeffrey Bezos in almost-space Trunk tunes Callback to parasocial relationships episode Look Who’s Inside Again reminds Karen of Ben Spencer’s Willow Tree (didn’t mention it but thought of it afterwards) If you want to skip our discussion of suicide, it’s from 57:56 to 1:04:17  #BellLetsTalk Pop Culture Happy Hour on Inside Brave New World and soma The Edmonton Fringe is coming back! Many thanks to our sponsors:  Business Council of Alberta ATB Cares That's a Thing?! is a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network — Locally grown. Community-supported.You can follow us in all the places, and most of them let you rate and review, too, which would be lovely.