Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

Tapas – 09.16.10



Student Question: When we saw the film on Ramana Maharshi, he talked about tapas, which is profound perception, and I wanted to ask you what exactly is profound perception? And he also talked about the mind turning inward. Can you explain that? Tapas is “making the mind very subtle so that you perceive that source from which thoughts arise,” elucidates Shunyamurti, the founder of the Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica. “And Ramana was very clear that all thoughts begin with the ‘I’ thought, and they’re related to the ‘I.’ And that ‘I’ always wants something, or is reacting to something. And once you get into that reaction, then all of the associations and conditionings, that have attached to the ‘I’ since childhood, glom onto it and create predetermined circuits of thought. But if you’ll go back to the source of the ‘I,’ prior to the linguistic expression of the ‘I,’ but the certainty of being Sat—it is that certainty, rather than language or representation of the ‘I,’ but the sense that is indubitable of bein