Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

The Cloud of Maya – 09.09.10



Student Question: When you’re in Maya can you realize God? And then also, is Maya created for you to get back to God? “Yes you can only see God when you're in Maya. And you can only see Maya when you're in God, this is true. Maya and God are two poles of the same ultimate reality,” reminds Shunyamurti, the director of the Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica. “And it is given [to] us so that we can—by understanding it—get the juice out of it, the nectar, the divine nectar that is contained within every suffering, within every negative situation there is some gem of wisdom that we can extract from it and grow into greater God-consciousness. So rather than simply get negative about the negative, become a scientist seeking what is the hidden jewel, what is the hidden divine nectar that I can take out of this apparent disaster, and realize that it is a great blessing?” Recorded on the evening of Thursday, September 9, 2010.