Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

The Vishnu Gate & Shiva Gate – 08.19.10



Student Question: There are two gates upon arriving at the Sat Yoga Ashram, previously known as the North Gate and the South Gate. Now they’re Shiva Gate and Vishnu Gate. Could you please describe the two entrances to the ashram? “Vishnu and Shiva are two archetypes,” reveals Shunyamurti, the archetypal leader of the Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica. “They are part of one of the Hindu Trinities” of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva—the Creator, the Sustainer, and the Destroyer. “And so, there are people whose personalities tend toward the archetype of Vishnu, which is that archetype that chooses the life in duality, the expression of the greatest joy and celebration of a life that is devoted to the service of God. . . . And when one attunes to the archetype of Shiva, one is directly dissolving that egoic separation between the self and God. And one is living in the ultimate union of the two. So by the destruction of the ego, the Godself is incarnated as the Self, not as a separate being that one loves, adores—or is