Reignite Your Purpose: Inspiration | Empowerment | Education With Life Mastery Coach Sheila Sutherland

Ep104: Upgrading How You Live, Love and Lead with Suzanne Anderson



Suzanne Anderson is a master of transformational learning, a thought leader on resilient leadership and co-author of the triple award-winning book The Way of the Mysterial Woman: Upgrading How You Live, Love and Lead. Her work is dedicated to awakening women to their full potential, urging them to the edge of their own evolution - to be the ones who are able to lead us into a new cultural paradigm.Over fifteen years of research led Suzanne to discover The Mysterial Way - an emerging leadership model that integrates both Feminine and Masculine capacities, embraces women’s wholeness and addresses all the domains of her unique experience. This multi-faceted, in-depth approach to her work rests on 30 years of study and practice in a grounded spiritual path that remains a vital aspect of her life today. To connect with Suzanne, head over to her website: