Reignite Your Purpose: Inspiration | Empowerment | Education With Life Mastery Coach Sheila Sutherland

Ep92: Work-Life Balance for High Achievers with Terra Winston



Are you a high achieving entrepreneur or business person? Do you sacrifice time with your family and friends in the name of getting ahead? Does the idea of work-life balance seem like a fantasy that is unachievable? Today’s amazing guest is here to show us that fantasy CAN be realized, allowing us to have the best of both worlds. Terra Winston, the ringleader of inTerractions and principal of inTerract consulting, has dedicated her life to helping her clients unleash the potential of each employee. She is a leadership consultant and executive coach with 20 years of internal and external business consulting experience.   Terra has a flexible style that has driven results in boardrooms and on plant floors for Fortune 100 companies and small start ups alike.  Connect with Terra at and on all her social media channels.