Paragon Financial Partners

Protect Yourself from Fraud



Welcome to the Paragon Podcast. In this episode Evan Shorten and Elean Mendoza discuss examples of fraud they have encountered while working with clients and provide you tips on how to protect yourself and your sensitive information. Download your Cyber Security Checklist HERE.  Stay up to date with the Paragon Podcast and our written Insights by signing up for our mailing list HERE. For more information regarding this topic, or to download a transcript of this episode, you may contact us at the following: Paragon Financial Partners 1901 Avenue of the Stars, 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 T: (310) 557-1515 E: Disclaimer: The topics discussed in the Paragon Podcast are for informational purposes only and should not be taken as direct investment advice. To read our disclosures and download a copy of our Form ADV, click HERE.