
Bonus Episode: John's IG Live Quarantine Q&A



Bonus Episode: In case you missed it, here's John's Instagram Live Parenting During Quarantine Q&A. 2:48: Opening thoughts. Why am I doing this?   Questions/comments -    5:19: People feeling bad about feeling bad.  So many others have it so much worse - out of work, sick, etc. but that doesn’t mean people in general aren’t struggling with this. But then they feel bad for it.    8:12: Please talk about college kids giving up their newfound independence on campus and returning home to be confined with their parents amidst uncertainty about their future, with all the accompanying stresses, anxieties and momentary temptations to throw chairs for all concerned.   11:18: E-learning is a struggle for my kids, and for me. It’s messy, inconsistent and disorganized. And my kids seem disconnected from it.    14:24: Discuss those shelter at home situations that are not so positive, where families are not making the best of it and playing games together and having stimulating conversations, where teenage