Folk Media

Folk Media 0032 - How Can I Use Twitter For Business?



So exactly what is Twitter? Wikipedia describes Twitter as “a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.” That’s a pretty good way to explain it. I think I would also add that it is more like a text based telephone than a micro-blog. Of course it is a telephone conversation that anyone can listen to. But I think this is the power of Twitter. And Twitter for business can be very powerful. Twitter gives you an opportunity to be transparent as a business allowing you to build a case for yourself or your company through dialogue. My experience with Twitter I thought Twitter was really stupid until I gave it a try. And then I still thought it was stupid. My problem was misunderstanding how it can be used as a tool for business and communications. But I’ve really changed my mind on this. And now Twitter has become indispensable to me and our business. The