Maximizing Moments With Milton

MAXMO - Amy Waninger On Why Diversity Is A Competitive Advantage Today



Amy Waninger: My primary body of work is focused on Lead at Any Level LLC, where I work with organizations that want to build diverse leadership bench strength for a sustainable competitive advantage. I started the company just over a year ago, and am looking to scale up my offerings in 2019.    I'm also on the 2019 writing team for Living Corporate, a team of consultants, engineers and students dedicated to creating audio and written digital media that spotlights the experiences and perspectives of people of color in the workplace. We engage voices that often go unheard and have our conversations out loud. Specifically, I'm building out an article series, called See It to Be It, to help young POC recognize the vast array of career possibilities available to them. As a first-generation professional myself, I know how hard it is to aspire to roles you don't even know exist!