Maximizing Moments With Milton

MaxMo 55 - Steven Iwersen "3 Action Steps to go from Business Owner to Business Leader"



Meet Steven PERSONAL NOTE FROM STEVEN: My mission in life is to help others discover that personal fulfillment and success is a daily choice. That choice determines our actions. And our actions (or inactivity) lead to the results. Most people I meet know what they need to do, they are simply not doing it. Instead, they compromise their best for something less. I have discovered that the successes of my life depend greatly upon my commitments and the failures are directly influenced by my compromises! I believe that it is “as bad to tell a lie, as it is to bore people with the truth.” When I speak to a group of people (a small group of 10 or thousands), I know that the best way to convey a truth, inspire action and have long term application is to be genuine and entertaining. We will have fun. It will not be a lecture or “presentation”; it will be more of a conversation. You can count on stories and energy. But I often hear people say, “It felt like you were talking just to me.” That’s my purpose – to speak to