Maximizing Moments With Milton

Episode 42 - 2 on 1 with Evan Money Global Entrepreneur and Visionary: "The Napkin Principle" Business Start up with Simplicity



Evan Money is a Visionary, Bestselling Author, Global Entrepreneur and Executive Producer of the ground breaking film Words of Art, starring Joel Osteen, Zig Ziglar, Darren Hardy and more... Evan lives his dreams and encourages the world to do the same. He and his bride of 17 years remarry in a different state or country every year, they have two amazing children and reside inmajestic Rancho Palos Verdes, CA.   Born and raised in Southern California, his bride was excited to "Marry Money".  His only challenge, he was broke!  Now they have come full circle and have enjoyed full time staff to do the shopping, with cards that don't decline.  They reside in majestic Rancho Palos Verdes CA, minutes from the new Trump golf course and truly live happily ever after.  Evan now spends his life teaching others how to do the same.   Evan sees it as a true blessing to speak and teach all over the world and encourage others to greatness.   Evan has been featured and interview by The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company Magazi