Julie Cross Podcast Show

It's called service for a reason!



You are being paid to be there, you choose the be there, so go do your work like you are loving your job and then your job will love you back. I recorded this a couple of years ago and some people got it and some people got offended... but I got to tell you after some recent customer service experiences I stick by it. It is your job... and I am not just caring about your customers when I talk about this, I am caring about YOU! It will not be the habitual and routine employee with a negative and bored attitude that will be promoted, offered new opportunities and celebrated... you deserve to take the best of yourself to work every day so that you may enjoy the rewards that come with that... some of your 'stuff' just has to be left back stage. And as employers and leaders let us make sure we are inspiring our teams to see the big vision of the difference they make in what they do every day.