Dreams Around The World - Life Design - Psychology - Personal Development - Travel - Writing - Working For Yourself - Freelan

Travel and Money Advice For Young ENFPs, Novelty and The Unknown, Plus Resume Advice - AskDan - DATW 192



Dan responds to questions about: Novelty and facing fear of the unknown about becoming an entrepreneur, positively presenting a wide variety of jobs on a resume, and a question from a young ENFP who wants to travel without excessive financial stress. If you enjoy the podcast and would like to submit your own question for a future episode, you can do so here: www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/ask-dan/ Don’t miss future episodes of this podcast, subscribe here: iTunes | Google Play Music | Stitcher | TuneIn | RSS/XML If you want to follow my travels or catch some shorter videos and updates I share, you can find me on Facebook (DreamsAroundTheWorldHQ) | and as TheDanJohnston on Instagram and Twitter | I publish new videos weekly on YouTube as well.  Are you, or someone you know, suffering from ENFP?  If so, you should seek immediate non-medical attention. Introducing: ENFP Unleashed. Click here for more details. And if you haven't already, be sure to check out my free training on turning your personality type into an