My Rescue Rocks With Rebekah Nemethy

Q&U: Foster Failure Stories



The Q: Are you a foster failure? If so, what made you foster fail? It’s the most joyful failure of all, and I know I’m not the only rescue chick that’s proud to have that failure under my belt! It’s not uncommon to fall in love when you bring an animal into your life. Sometimes we fall fast, other times it takes a little longer, but the only thing I’m sure about is that you can’t control love. Love happens with or without your consent. Thanks to all of you who shared the love stories behind your foster failures! To access links to the resources and photos mentioned in this episode, please visit Please help us spread our rescue stories by sharing this show with a friend, PAWlease, I’d really appreciate it! You can also help out by subscribing, and leaving a rating and review on either iTunes or Stitcher. Thanks so much for your support!