Classical Classroom

Classical Classroom, Episode 76: MusicWorks – How Sonya Got Her Opera On



We’re excited to share our new subseries, MusicWorks! It’s a show where you’ll learn about what classical music is doing in the world right now. You’ll hear inspiring artist stories, plus we’ll go into the sometimes unexpected places we’ve discovered classical music thriving while we’ve been learning about it on the Classical Classroom. We hope you dig it! In our first MusicWorks episode, soprano Sonya Yoncheva tells the story of how she happened upon her passion – singing opera – by being true to herself (and listening to her mother) and by practicing her buns off. This put her in a position to be ready when she got that call from the Met to fill in at the last moment. And the rest, as they say, is in the podcast. Soprano Sonya Yoncheva. Photo © Ruven Afanador. Courtesy of Ms. Yoncheva’s website. Audio production by Todd “Totally” Hulslander with awesomeness by Dacia Clay. Music in this episode: Giacomo Puccini: La Boheme – Donde lieta usci Charles Lecocq: Les Cent Vierges, Act III, No. 10 Je soupire et ma