Breakfast Quest

Avatar: The Last Airbender with Maggie Serota - Bread 'n Soup Quest 55



Maggie Serota, writer and managing editor of Death and Taxes, joins Nick and Lars for the second week of our month-long descent into sad children's shows, Trage-December. In this podcast, we react to "Tales of Ba Sing Se," an episode of the mid-2000s Ancient China-sploitation series Avatar: The Last Airbender, which features a sextet of pointless and confusing vignettes. People on the internet like this, apparently. Topics discussed within include unwanted twitter explanations, Chloe Sevigny's professionalism, and the true nature of sadness. Send your emails to! Watch the show we watched HERE! Enjoy a video of Paul Simon and John Lennon condescending to Art Garfunkel HERE! ...and SUBSCRIBE TO BREAKFAST QUEST ON iTUNES!