Breakfast Quest

Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors with David Chernicoff - Breakfast Quest 7



Nick and Lars plop, fetus-like, out of an embryonic robo-gourd with David Chernicoff.  Together, they will grow armor plating, sprout a vegetable gun-dinosaur arm, and battle head-to-head with an episode of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, an 80’s action cartoon about incredible space cars and their awe-inspiring fights. In this episode, Jayce and the rest of the Lightning League go to the moon to oversee a ceremony in which all of the wizards of the universe obliterate a second moon in order to spread the power of goodness throughout the galaxies - but not if Saw Boss and his duo of laser-firing hypno-bees have anything to say about it. Does it make any sense? Not really!