New Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast With Maribel Jimenez

028: Travel The World And Run Your Business At The Same Time, with Linda Claire Puig



Today’s guest is an amazing woman who is a specialist in a niche that is becoming more and more popular and profitable. Linda Claire Puig is an internationally recognized marketing expert who helps solo business owners develop profitable relationships and portable businesses that go with them wherever they want to go. Linda has taken her own business abroad for months at a time to locations including a medieval-era Italian village, the grand cities of Paris and Rome, and the Andean highlands of Ecuador. In this conversation you’re going to receive some unique perspectives and tips from a woman who spends her time helping entrepreneurs thrive and enjoy the benefits of living on the road at the same time. You’re going to have fun listening to this one! More than one business… and all run from the road! Linda Claire Puig is well practiced by now at running her businesses from a laptop while she travels the world. Linda’s 6-Figure Newsletters division provides done-for-you newsletter articles and full-service ezi