New Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast With Maribel Jimenez

020: Blissful Living, Ayurveda Style with Rochele Lawson, Holistic Health & Wellness Expert



Today’s guest, Rochele Lawson, is a health and wellness superstar. She’s the host of the Blissful Living radio show and leads the way in helping people maximize their lives and health through her business . Her desire is to educate and support those interested in improving or managing their health and well-being in a holistic manner, through Ayurveda. In today’s conversation Maribel asks Rochelle to share her journey toward becoming an entrepreneur, to explain her business model and approach to making money and helping her clients with their health, and the things that have made her successful as a Superwoman entrepreneur. You’ll enjoy hearing Rochelle’s story and tips, so be sure to listen! All of us have “blessings in disguise” that we experience… one of Rochele Lawson’s happened in a very promising project… Rochele’s first business was in the telecommunications industry and she experienced a wonderful opportunity with a huge project that her company was awarded, but th