New Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast With Maribel Jimenez

017: Breaking the Approval Addiction with Amy Pearson, Founder of Live Brazen



Amy Pearson is a self-described “approval addict.” Years ago she discovered that she’d lived her entire life trying to get a pat on the back from other people. But a tragic loss in her life enabled her to turn the corner and find a life full of happiness by doing what she wanted to do in the world. She believes that at the root of approval addiction is a basic human need to belong. But she also believes that when you live for approval you never truly find belonging. You sacrifice yourself for a false sense of belonging called “fitting in.” By making that mindset shift Amy began learning to create an inner world for herself that fueled her dreams. Now she helps women break their own approval addiction, live the life they desire, and make a difference in the world. In this conversation Amy shares her story, her business, and an amazing free gift for you. You’ll want to listen. Thinking contributes to results. One of the things Amy loved most about training to become a life coach was the understanding that how a