New Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast With Maribel Jimenez

007: Menopause Survival & Health, a chat with Dr. Mache Seibel



The hot flashes, mood swings, the changes in your body such as weight gain and sleep disruptions impacts all of us women sooner or later. There’s a lot to learn about that new stage of life, both in terms of prevention and management of symptoms, and in strategies for dealing with the dramatic changes that happen during the midlife transition. Maribel’s guest on today’s show is Dr. Mache Seibel, the leading expert on menopause and all related issues. He shares a ton of great insights into his own entrepreneurial journey and the lessons he’s learned, and gives tips for women facing the challenges of menopause. You’ll want to hear this one… it’s a great resource!  Dr. Mache's free gift: Changes During "The Change"- What to Expect and What to Do About It - To access your free New Superwoman Gift Pack and stay connected to all of our guests and their free bonuses, register at