New Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast With Maribel Jimenez

004: Feel Yummy From Head to Toe with Mari Carmen Pizarro, "The CEO's Nutritional Consultant"



From Corporate to Expert Nutritionist, Best Selling Author, and Master transformational executive coach. She worked in the corporate world for years but moved away from it as she felt her health and well being slipping away. Her vision/desire is to help women in business feel “yummy.” Her mentoring is aimed at helping women who are in business learn how to care for themselves well and accept who they are. On this episode of New Super Women Entrepreneurs Maribel chats with Mari Carmen about her journey into the entrepreneurial world, how she transformed her health, and why she’s mentoring women to a place of beauty and grace in their lives. Her health issues were what drove Mari Carmen Pizarro to rethink her life. To her, a superwoman was a woman who had to push through the pain and fatigue in order to be there for those who depended on her. What she came to realize was that there was a better way, a way to care for herself that enabled her to be personally healthy, more productive, and supercharged in her bu