'the Bottom Of It' With Joshua Moriarty

Ep. 53 - Samuel Flynn Scott (The Phoenix Foundation)



The Phoenix Foundation are one of my all-time favourite bands. So much so that I’ve dedicated two episodes to them! Since their second record ‘Pegasus’ was released in 2005 I’ve followed their career closely and have caught them live every chance I’ve had. Samuel Flynn Scott is one of the principal songwriters and singers in the band alongside Luke Buda (who I interviewed for episode 52). Sam and I talk about songwriting in creative bursts and stock piling songs, the difficulty of songwriting when you’re a family man, what you would do if KFC offered you a shit tonne of money to use one of your songs and what it means to give up a fictitious dream and enjoy what you have.   All music on the podcast by Joshua Moriarty & All The Colours.   ’40 Years’ film clip by The Phoenix Foundation (directed by and featuring Taika Waititi)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz5qUPpuAFM   Some of my fave Phoenix Foundation songs in a Spotify playlist- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5MvhNkhK8VwhhmixXATtvY?si=N_NS_lghRfy_