Voices Of Impact With Ryan France

Kara Perez - Bravely



A Story NOT Being Told About Financial Literacy In the past year and a half, Kara Perez founded her own company [Bravely] and has been featured in magazines like Glamour, Forbes and Austin Woman. She’s established herself as a paid contributor to numerous websites in the ‘financial blogosphere’ and recently started her own podcast, The Fairer Cents, where she and her co-host Tanja, untack sticky financial conversations. And to truly comprehend how impressive all of that is, you first have to understand that just three short years ago, on the regular, Perez confesses to having spent an unhealthy amount of time openly sobbing in her car. In her own words: “I like to refer to summer 2014 as ‘crying-in-cars-2014,’ because I did, indeed, spend June through August of that year crying almost every time I got into my car. Once I was tucked into my little sedan, all my anxiety and stress bubbled to the surface. I was making $900 a month, carrying $18,000 in debt, and had no idea how to break the cycle. I felt trapped