Voices Of Impact With Ryan France

Wendy Irwin - Wendy Irwin Coaching & Perspicacity



Two Flawed Mindsets That Hold Us Back From Our Potential When you visit Wendy Irwin’s website, you’ll notice, in bold letters across the top, three words: Dig, Discover & Design. Clearly, that’s no accident. In my recent conversations and interview with Wendy, I’ve come to the quick conclusion that a good business coach does exactly that: Helps you Dig Deeper To Discover the Real Questions you need to ask/answer In order to Design a Blueprint for success And most importantly . . . design a blueprint for success, on one’s own terms. One of the first things Wendy told me, when we sat down for the first time is "I understand the DNA of an entrepreneur." Growing up with a father who owned his own business, Irwin had a front row seat for what some, in today’s business environment, might call the entrepreneurial roller coaster. Despite having entrepreneurship in her blood, Wendy decided to take a different path out of college. For a while, she “worked for others.” But it didn’t take long before she realized t