Voices Of Impact With Ryan France

Alicia Hoffman - Whiz Biz Kids



A Bold Move to Impact a New Generation of Business Owners Like most purpose-driven entrepreneurs, Alicia Hoffman’s work was born out of a powerful mission. After nearly two decades in the fields of finance and accounting, she made the bold move to leave behind the comfort and security of a corporate paycheck to passionately pursue her vision of empowering our community’s next generation. When the 'Great Recession' hit, like many, Hoffman found herself unemployed and under appreciated. Though, that time away from 'work' nudged her toward a class in entrepreneurship, which ultimately turned this one time "spreadsheet jockey" into a full-fledged entrepreneur. Hoffman founded Whiz Biz Kids - think Shark Tank for teens and tweens. She is using that platform to inspire young people to explore their inner-entrepreneur, build habits for a life of financial success, and to show her own teenage daughters what is possible when you have the courage to follow your dreams. In this episode Alicia shares her concerns about t