White Bitch Buffet

EP 71 - #BlackLivesMatter



Better late than never AMMIRIGHT?! Episode 71 is here and we're bringing the party. That's right, the girls ring in the summer with their annual Summer Party Playlist packed with extremely randomized music from old - new and rock - pop - wedding jingles? - rap. ENJOY! They continue their Netflix Addictions and guess what... RIVERDALE FEVER IS BACK Y'ALL!!! Buckle up because the girls go OFF on the craziness of Season 4 of Riverdale (spoilers alert) along with a few other shows as well. On a more serious note, the girls wrap up the episode by recognizing the nation-wide movement #BlackLivesMatter. Although our name may sound conflicting, we are proud supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement. Please continue to sign petitions, donate, share stories, vote, participate in rallies or protests, etc. We've made great progress but there is still so much work to be done, we can not lose steam. "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for" - Bara