White Bitch Buffet




This month while ya girls were planning the episode, we got half-way through and realized that all of the segments started with the letter "N" so we stuck with the trend and ended up naming the new ep NA NA NACHOS. First segment is Netflix Addictions as always as Max makes her recommendations on Stranger Things 2 and Beyond Stranger Things. Maxini and Big L actually both finally caught up on Broad City on Comedy Central and Laura goes off about Newsroom which she is gearing up to finish on HBO. The girls move on to talk about New Year's resolutions as we kick off 2018, spoiler alert neither of them had a resolution ready but they agreed on trying to be all around better people in 2018. Next the girls talked about pressing current issue Net Neutrality and do their best to explain what may happen now that its been repealed. It can be a confusing topic but the bitches couldn't resist bringing it up consider how important it is. The get the cast on a more upbeat note by talking new movies coming out at the end of