White Bitch Buffet

EP 37 - Robo Bitch Buffet



Welcome to August! In this futuristic episode the girls explain their robotic personalities that were influenced by an interesting job interview Big L had earlier that morning. (*Spoiler* Random robot talk will be intertwined throughout the episode). The girls dish about the exciting Solar Eclipse that crossed coast to coast in the United States on August 21st! They discuss their experiences that day and fun facts about that current and future solar eclipses. Along with the solar eclipse, the girls take a dark turn and discuss the Charlottesville rally that happened earlier in the month. An important quote to take from this segment is "silence is violence". Big L and Maxini quickly change the mood around by explaining the things teenage boys have taught them. (*Another Spoiler* The girls are quite clearly not hip). Continuing the fun, special guest Nikki Bo Bikki makes another appearance on the show and plays the role of Barbara Barker in one of our favorite segments Price is Right! With school just around th