Tea & Converse

Tea & Converse: Al-Doe & Spanish Ran



Al-Doe & Spanish Ran have been on quite a run the last couple of years. I've been familiar with Al-Doe since I saw his Boiler Room performance in 2013. He's always rapped at a high level. Hearing him lock in with Spanish Ran for the Dona Blanca trilogy and The White Tape and Michelin Stars from the tail end of 2019 into 2020 felt different though. It felt more focused and momentous even. Al-Doe seemed reinvigorated. To confirm those thoughts, I reached out to Spanish Ran to see if I could secure interview with him and Al-Doe. After several attempts, we eventually figured out a date and time and during our sit down, it didn't take long for Doe to corroborate my feelings that he and Ran's current output wasn't the same as his past works. "I actually think it's the best shit I've ever done in my career. I feel like I'm born again type shit." So with that, I present to you the latest episode of Tea & Converse, Al-Doe & Spanish Ran. Artwork by Tony Coppin Beats by DGTL