Mumia Abu-jamal's Radio Essays

Politicians Servants of the Wealthy



Politicians: Servants of the Wealthy It is impossible to look at the current crop of political presidential aspirants and not be struck by their level of subservience to the wants and needs of the owner class. Like Puppies panting in the presence of their masters, the politicians, emboldened by the unconscionable Citizens United decision, are at the feet of the billionaires for scraps to better serve their betters. Now, one billionaire can field half-dozen pols, and by so doing, can determine not just who runs, but who wins - and what laws will be passed. Why not?  They own them, don’t they? But still, that is not enough. For witness the emergence of New York real estate executive Donald Trump. Trump brags, at every opportunity, of his enormous wealth. By so doing, he intimidates his potential rivals, who are used to bending their knees to such men. But he also represents the distrust of his class, for rather than hiring politicians, he runs himself, to lock in his class dominance. Nor is this solely a Republ