
No. 10: Does Disliking an Artist Mean You Can’t Like Their Work?



Rikers Island, New York’s notorious jail, houses thousands of men and women awaiting trial or convicted of short sentences. We discuss the neurological underpinnings of art therapy in this environment, the difficulties that therapists experience teaching in jails, and how programs such as this can provide much-needed healing, as well as concrete life skills, for inmates both while in the jail and in the outside world upon their release. Next, we look at German painter Georg Baselitz and ask: Should his misogyny affect our appreciation of his work? In 2013, the artist remarked that “women don’t paint very well,” setting off a firestorm of critique but, for many at least, not diminishing the artist’s place in the art-historical canon. So how do we square an artist’s biography and beliefs with their work? Can the two be separated? Read more: