Full E-booked

Full E-Booked Season 1 Ep 3 - The Three Attachment Styles In Everyday Life



@full_e_booked Follow us on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook and subscribe on Soundcloud or via Podcasts on iTunes. We hope you enjoy listening to Season 1 episode 3 as much as we enjoyed recording! Questions / topics raised by the panel for discussion include:- 1)Have you or a friend ever been in a relationship where your partner is obsessive? i.e. checking your phone, constantly messaging / calling and even to the extent where they create fake profiles to stalk and message you due to their own insecurities? A) How did you react / respond? B)Have you been this person above and what in your partners behaviour changed you in this way? 2)From the book, Ryan and Shauna are a couple whose lives change when Ryan accepts a new job in which he works away from Shauna more than he'd like to. This causes him to seek constant reassurances from Shauna due to not being physically close to her. The panel asks:- A)Is reassuring your partner something which should come naturally or does it have to be worked on? B) Shoul