Irc Wealthcast

IRC WealthCast 051: From Business Owner Burnout to Breakout with Kathryn Sabol



What does a business owner do when they are no longer jazzed by hitting the next milestone? What does it mean to be fulfilled and avoid business owner burnout? We understand that owning a business is neither all rainbows and ponies, nor all darkness and isolation. But what can you do to become more cognizant of the wins and losses, the dark and light, the ups and downs, and then make them part of who you and your business are while also achieving greater success along the way? Can You Really Slow Down and Be Present? Realizing that the journey can be just as exciting as reaching the goal is a perspective that many business owners never take time to experience. When slowing down makes the most sense, allows you to change direction, look outward and see the possibilities for you and your business, how willing are you to consider that? To actually do it? To slow down and ‘be’ and not just be up and running and ‘doing’? Finding the Answers Within In this podcast, Kathryn Sabol, a successful entrepreneur who s