Nick's Non-fiction

Nick’s Non-fiction | Crime & Punishment



Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nikolai Munov! One of the fathers of philosophy and a personal favorite, Dostoyevsky reconsiders the questions our culture is predicated on in Crime and Punishment. A young man Razkolnikov has been beaten down by life with a starving mother and a sister about to whore herself to a man who doesn't love her. After intensely portrayed months of contemplating his own morality the boy calculates the benefit to the community of killing the town pawn broker which would free her captive niece, relieve the town of their debt and save his mother and sister. After the plan is carried out all hell breaks loose and Razkolnikov is left with the intense guilt of murder which continues to plagues his conventional morality. One of the top must reads of the past 150 years portrays a young mans development into adulthood by taking the law into his own hands with Fyodor's iconic interpretation of criminology. Subscribe, Share, Mobile links & Time-stamps belo