Nick's Non-fiction

Nick’s Non-fiction | The Madness of Crowds



Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! What if I told you America is more efficient at implementing Maoism than China and the Soviet Union ever were? Provocateur Douglas Murray takes big swings like this among many others in his brand new international bestseller, The Madness of Crowds. The Overton window is shrinking as our allowed topics of discussion are increasingly chose from top down pushing more people towards the socially engineered fringes. Race baiting has gotten so obvious that for the first time in 70 years a record number of minority votes went to the conservative candidate. The progressive agenda is skipping over inherent human rights violations like sovereign drug consumption and instead is campaigning for reparation checks and to disallow airline travel. A traditional liberal Brit, Douglas, admits logical consistency and ethical constitution aren’t part of the social justice warrior lexicon. From a gay author, this dense read tackles homophobia, tr