Nick's Non-fiction

Nick’s Non-fiction | The Jefferson Bible



Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Gather ‘round for the best story ever told about the most famous man who ever lived. The life of Jesus Christ is an epic saga which the Catholic Church somehow turned into that snoozefest, The Bible. A child of the Enlightenment, Thomas Jefferson, was the best writer of his time authoring the Declaration of Independence and The Jefferson Bible, all factual accounts of the second testament in chronological order. Today's show synopsizes Christ's Bethlehem Backstory where he was exiled from the family for stopping his uncle Herod from hitting on his widowed aunt. You can never trust a drunk uncle during the holiday season. Thus began a life of ostracization, on which he doubled down and started speaking publicly about the debtors prison which was the Roman banking system (very illegal). He began washing the poor and quoting scripture off the dome at temple, a rare skill for the time which attracted just as many haters as followe