Nick's Non-fiction

Nick’s Non-fiction | Coyote America



Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! North American legend Dan Flores, the Attenborough of America, tells the historic battle between Coyotes and humans for arch predators of the continent in Coyote America. This bestseller takes us from the native legends of the half man half dog coyotl to the urban dwelling canids of today. The coyotes intelligence, pack reliance and flexibility mirrors the same qualities that got homo sapiens out of the Serenghetti. Since infiltrating the ancient Aztec city of Tenochitilan, coyotes have weaseled their way into our meta consciousness as a Wiley Coyote never willing to settle. Be sure not to anthropomorphize these killers too much, our 4% difference from orangutans is equal to the coyotes 4% divergence from wolves. Enjoy a light hearted episode exploring the wilderness we currently borrow from the long time land lord coyotes. Subscribe, Share, Mobile links & Time-stamps below! 0:00:45 Introduction 0:03:05 About the Author 0:05: