Nick's Non-fiction

Yelp Review Review- Denver DMV



Ahh, the DMV, where you pay for the workers mistake, literally. It is the embodiment of your tax dollars at work for you. This magical place we cant wait to go back to is a portal of apathy, where everyone is allowed to be their worst self from sea to shining sea. The reverse incentive of socialized commerce is on full display under pandemic precautions where the more understaffed and incompetent you can appear, the more money your division gets in the following years budget. How does that cliche go, ‘they break it, you buy it’? In our second edition of YRR your host gets his license renewed at this hellish retailer and brings to light the communities malcontent of how our imposts are applied. 00:00 Introduction 02:50 The Experience 0:08:30 Yelp Review, Review 0:19:20 Yelp Review, Review Rubric 0:21:40 Next Time YouTube: iTunes: Thanks for stopping by!